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Condition Overview

What are birthmarks?

As the name suggests, birthmarks are marks on our skin that have often (though not always) been with us since birth. They can be red or brown or skin coloured and range from very light, to significantly coloured, such as port wine birthmarks. They can appear anywhere on the body. While birthmarks generally do not present any medical concern, they can be significantly troublesome from a cosmetic perspective, especially when found on the face. For this reason, laser treatment is common.

What causes birthmarks?

Red birthmarks are vascular and appear when aberrant blood vessels create areas of redness on the skin.

Brown birth marks are caused when a patch of skin has a different concentration of melanin pigment to the rest of the skin.

Some birthmarks originate from other cells, such as hairy, sebaceous, epidermal or comedonal naevus or lymphatic malformations and can appear as raised growths on the skin.

Treatment options for birthmarks

We have lasers that target either red or brown colour in the skin. Lasers can remove the excess colour without changing the texture of the skin or affect the colour of the surrounding skin. The laser treatment targets the abnormally coloured area and the body will gradually clear away the colouring over time. These lasers successfully significantly reduce the appearance of these birthmarks.

Marks originating from other cells can be treated using ablative lasers, which can greatly improve appearance and symptoms. Laser hair removal can also help remove unwanted hair associated with these lesions.

How many treatments does it take to remove birthmarks?

For most birthmarks, multiple treatments will usually be necessary. All patients wishing to undergo treatment for birthmarks have a consultation with our Dermatologist, to determine the right course of treatment for your skin condition, and to ensure there are no other underlying health concerns which may affect the course of treatment.


Corrective Treatments

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Love the skin you’re in

At Neutral Bay Laser & Dermatology Clinic, we’re committed to providing the most effective treatments for your skin, with the utmost safety, for the whole family. That’s why the first step of every treatment is a review by our dermatologist, Dr Terence Poon. Make your appointment today to love the skin you’re in.


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