Fungal nails (onychomycosis)

Condition Overview
What are fungal nail infections?
Fungal nail infections are a common presentation to Dermatologists. Fungal nails are rarely seen in children and become increasingly common with age and patients with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can be more susceptible. One or more nails can be affected, with toenails being more frequently affected than fingernails. Fungal nail requires treatment and will not clear up on its own, so you should see your GP or dermatologist when you first notice symptoms.
What are the symptoms of fungal nail?
Symptoms include nail thickening, lifting and crumbling of the free edge of the nail; flaky white patches; pale streaks or pigmentation at the sides of nails and nail pitting. There are other nail conditions that may look like fungal nail, including psoriasis, bacterial infection and nail trauma. Diagnosis may require taking a nail clipping and sending it for pathology.
Treatment options for fungal nail
Treatment for fungal nail can include topical applications and oral antifungal medications. We recommend review by a specialist dermatologist, who can determine the best treatment option for you.
What causes fungal nail?
Fungal nail is caused by an infection, most commonly picked up in damp environments, such as the shower at the gym or at public swimming pools. The most common infective organisms are dermatophytes (tineas), yeasts and moulds.
Corrective Treatments
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