
Condition Overview
What are warts?
Warts are troubling, small bumps on the skin, caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are many strains of the HPV virus, with only a couple being related to warts on the skin. They commonly occur on fingers, knees and feet. Warts are very common, with estimates of about a third of children experiencing them at some time, perhaps because a child’s immune system isn’t as strong at fighting the virus when they contract it.There are different types of warts, including palmar warts (on hands) and plantar warts (on feet). Warts should not be confused with seborrhoeic keratoses, which are sometimes called seborrhoeic warts or age warts, though these are more likely to be caused by sun damage.
Do warts need to be treated?
Many warts, if left untreated, will eventually go away on their own, usually over a period of months to years. However, some may not go, even after a few years. Therefore, many people choose to treat their warts as soon as they appear, because it is creating a cosmetic concern for them or they do not wish to spread the virus.
Treatment for warts
There are many different ways to treat warts. Over-the-counter preparations containing salicylic acid are often the first treatment that many people try. Some respond well to this form of treatment, others do not.
They can be frozen, using liquid nitrogen by your doctor. It is important to understand that you may require more than one treatment session with liquid nitrogen. Warts can also be treated with a chemotherapy agent called bleomycin. This medicine is injected into the wart. It is imperative to choose a doctor who has experience in injecting this medication, because side effects can include nerve damage.
Lasers can be an effective treatment also. Both the VBeam Pulsed Dye laser and the ablative CO2 laser can effectively used.
How long will it take for treatment to work?
Regardless of which treatment method is chosen, there are no quick fixes. Other treatments, like freezing or laser, may need several treatment sessions, which will need to be several weeks apart.
How do I contract wart virus?
Warts are caused by strains of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is spread by skin contact with someone who has the virus, or where the virus has been left behind on a surface, such as a shower. For this reason, we advise always wearing thongs in public showers and around swimming pools, to minimise the risk of picking up the wart virus.
Corrective Treatments
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