Beautiful skin - naturally!
Jul 15, 2024
min read

Healthy skin is an important element of our beauty. At Neutral Bay Laser and Dermatology Clinic, we strive to give our patients the very best treatments currently available to create the most beautiful looking skin possible.
But, as the old saying goes, prevention is always better than a cure. If we can assist our patients in preventing the need for corrective skin procedures, we will!
Good lifestyle habits and an appropriate skin regime are two key elements to maintaining great looking skin. Here are some tips that everyone can implement, to give their skin the healthiest and most beautiful appearance possible:
Good lifestyle habits and an appropriate skin regime are two key elements in maintaining great looking skin. Here are our list of things within your control that will give your skin the best possible chance of looking fantastic naturally:
- Implement good sleep hygiene: this means keeping regular sleeping hours, getting enough sleep (8 hours a night, and if you get less, making up that sleep another night) and making sure the sleep you’re getting is deep and restful
- Avoiding UV exposure: sun damage is the #1 reason people feel their skin is not looking beautiful. Wear a hat, sunglasses, use sunscreen with zinc or titanium, applied liberally and often, sit in the shade whenever possible and avoid tanning and burning
- Don’t smoke: smoking ages skin by breaking down collagen, reducing blood supply, slowing the healing process and hastening wrinkle formation, as you if need more reasons to finally quit the habit. Be aware, these effects can also be the result of exposure to second hand smoke, so ensuring minimal amounts of time spent in smokey environments is also important
- Eat well: We all know fruit and veg help our bodies stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight, but our skin also benefits when we eat a rainbow-coloured plate of unprocessed foods
- Drink plenty of water: water hydrates the body and our skin is particularly susceptible to dehydration, and in hot summer months, or if you are in air conditioning, your need for water increases
- Avoid over-washing skin: use mild, non-detergent cleansers that gently clean off make-up, dirt, sweat and daily grime without damaging the skin
- Avoid fragrances on your skin: the chemicals in fragrances can cause allergic reactions and photochemical damage, which can have long-standing effects on the look and feel of your skin
- Reduce stress: finding ways to relax and be stress free will have many benefits for your overall health and well being, and your skin will thank you too, so practicing your deep breathing, stretching and other calming activities can do wonders for your skin.