Do I have to live through another summer with body acne?
Mar 11, 2024
min read

Do you hide away or stay covered up at the beach because of body acne?
As Summer approaches, we start thinking about tank tops and swimwear and all the things we love to do in the sunshine and water.
But if you suffer from body acne, revealing your shoulders, back, chest and other affected parts of your body, can be troublesome.
If you find you’re avoiding doing the things, or wearing the clothes, you’d like to, because of body acne, you may be interested to know that there are treatment options available.
At Neutral Bay Laser & Dermatology Clinic, we can prescribe and perform all the major acne treatments available, such as:
- hormonal treatments
- drug treatments, such as Roaccutane
- laser-based treatments
- topical treatments, such as creams
There is a variety of acne types, and, together with the individual nature of response to treatments, this means that what works for one patient may not work for another.
For this reason, seeking the advice of a qualified dermatologist, when seeking to treat body acne, is always preferable.
Further, there are other skin conditions which can affect whether a particular acne treatment will be effective, or which can be affect by different acne treatments. The wrong treatment choice for your skin can result in serious or permanent issues being triggered.
The good news is that many people find the right treatment and experience significant improvement in their body acne, allowing a much less self-conscious experience during the Summer months!
To make an appointment with our dermatologist, to discuss which treatment might be suitable for you, call our clinic on (02) 9953 9522.